Training / Communications Blog

We blog weekly about training and communications. If our posts strike a chord of elephantine proportions, do comment – we love a good conversation.

Media negativity: Clive Lewis and “not groping”

Negativity sells in the media. So you must be relentlessly positive every time you open your mouth in front of a journalist. Here’s how to do that, to keep on the right side of the media.

8th November 2017

If In Doubt, Leave It Out -Media Training - Glasgow - Mr Grove

Mr. Gove: if in doubt, leave it out

When is a joke unfunny? When you’re the butt of it! Ask Environment Secretary Michael Gove. Here’s why humour can be dangerous and how you can play it safe with the media.

30th October 2017

Eat that frog: A communication guide for addressing difficult conversations

This is our guide to having difficult conversations – to make sure you and your audience are satisfied with the way you’ve dealt with it.

26th October 2017

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Build Your Confidence

Some media trainers knock you down…and leave you down. Our media coaches show you how to deal with each knock…and still win through. So you have the presentation skills to perform – with confidence.

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