pink elephant presentation training

Working with the Media

Working with the Media is an online media training course helping you build relationships with journalists, secure coverage and nail your next media interview.

Our team of former Sky, BBC, STV and Radio Clyde journalists will show you how to approach the right outlets to secure positive coverage.

And you’ll learn how to perfect your interview performance by making every single word count.

Buy it here.


Working with the Media

You’ll learn how to:

  • Work with the media in good times and bad
  • Build good relationships with different types of journalist
  • Take advantage of local, regional and national press, radio and TV
  • Prepare effectively for your next media interview
  • Perfect your message, voice and body language
  • Answer the most difficult questions from the media
  • Communicate clearly in a crisis

Our online media training course is presented by former TV and radio journalists Bill McFarlan and Colin Stone, who boast a combined 40 years of media experience.

And their guidance is based on our 31 years of experience in media  training in 26 different countries around the world.

Work effectively with the media in good times and bad to boost your reputation and promote your organisation worldwide.

Buy it here for £249.

Meet Our Clients

Build Your Confidence

Some media trainers knock you down…and leave you down. Our media coaches show you how to deal with each knock…and still win through. So you have the presentation skills to perform – with confidence.

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