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Media PR training in Scotland: what you need to know

Media PR training in Scotland.

It’s something we’re seeing requested more and more, but why?

Well, the simple answer is media and PR go hand in hand.

It’s difficult to imagine a world where you can have the media without PR.

The two need each other but how they interact can be challenging.

So, how do we do it?

Here’s everything you need to know about media PR training in Scotland.

media PR training in Scotland

Social media is still a big risk

The world of social media is booming and it seems there’s a new app every week.

So, many assume that one can simply bypass the traditional media in favour of social media forums.

But, we all know what they say about assuming.

Missing out the media is a big mistake for many reasons.

The biggest being that social media is unpredictable whereas the press is still the number one way to distribute information.

With ever-changing algorithms, follower count and bizarre analytics, it’s nearly impossible to guarantee a social media post will achieve its goal.

Journalists are experts at how to package information and get the message out there.

The PR world needs the media and it needs to be prepared to give a little something, to get a little something.

Media PR training in Scotland

Relationships go a long way

There’s a feeling that there are two sides to the media: the journalists and the PR folk.

While that may be true, both need to form solid working relationships if either side would like to meet their targets.

Building a rapport with a journalist can massively help in getting your key messages out there.

Learning how to communicate with journalists will go a long way in ensuring you have the right tools to support your PR strategy.

Media PR training in Scotland can assist in your goal of building that relationship to a level that supports both parties.

Media PR training in Scotland

How to choose your words

Working relationships can always be tricky.

We want to enjoy a friendly, collaborative association with your counterpart but that can be difficult.

Challenges often arise when it comes to figuring out what we should say and what we should avoid.

So, how do we decide?

Well, a good rule of thumb is to imagine how you’d feel – and how your organisation would feel – if what you said ended up on the front page of a newspaper?

Are you happy with it? Great, you can absolutely say that in front of a journalist and feel confident your media PR relationship will remain intact.

Otherwise, best to keep it to yourself.

Media PR training in Scotland

Media PR training in Scotland

Wondering how to take your media and PR relationships to the next level?

Contact us to find out how we can help with your media PR training in Scotland needs.

Or, if you’d rather we visit you outside of Scotland, we can do that, too.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you.


Photos in Media PR training in Scotland: What you need to know blog by Pink Elephant Communications. 
Media PR training in Scotland: What you need to know blog
written by Maxine Montgomery.
Media PR training in Scotland: What you need to know blog edited by Colin Stone.

20th May 2024 Featured in: Blog, Media training blogs By:

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