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Communication in business: Three tips to get it right

Communication in business can be a minefield.

What we can say, when we can say it and to whom are difficult decisions to make when the stakes are high.

Thankfully, there are ways to determine how to navigate this tricky course of communication in business.

Here are our top tips to help you successfully communicate throughout your work day.

communication in business, Pink Elephant Communications

Ditch the jargon

Companies, especially large ones, have a variety of different staff who are trained and experienced in various topics.

This means that it is almost impossible to ensure everyone understands the specific jargon that you’ve been using.

How do we make sure people from different backgrounds all understand the technical points?

Simple. Ditch the jargon.

Communication in business becomes much easier when we let go of the jargon and speak simply.

So simply, in fact, that an 11-year-old could understand the words you’re using.

Take the extra time to find a simple way to explain it and you can ensure even non-experts will be kept in the loop.

communication in business, Pink Elephant Communications

Get to the point

Ever sat through a meeting and thought to yourself: ‘This could’ve been an email’?

We’ve all been there.

Audiences want the speaker to do well but they also want the message to be succinct.

We live in a world where everyone is becoming more, and more time-poor.

Thanks to the likes of TikTok and Instagram, our attention spans are only getting shorter.

Audiences want to know why they are there and why they should listen straight away.

Get the point for the audience instantly and leave them without question of what the benefit is for them.

communication in business, Pink Elephant Communications

Elevate weak language

Words such as “quite”, “maybe”, or “hopefully” often sneak their way into our vocabulary.

It happens for a multitude of reasons.

We want to avoid sounding arrogant, or over-promising, or we’re simply nervous.

Whatever the reason may be, the words always have the same effect.

They dilute our message.

So, let’s change that.

Let’s turn “try” into “my goal”.

Change “hope” into “trust”.

Remove the “quite” and the “maybe” entirely.

It’s a small change that will make a world of difference to your communication in business.

communication in business, Pink Elephant Communications

Communication in business

Interested in finding out more about how you can improve your communication in business?

We would love to help!

Get in touch with us to find out how our courses can help you or your team feel more confident in communication.



Photos in Communication in business: Three tips to get it right by Pink Elephant Communications. 
Words in Communication in business: Three tips to get it right blog
written by Maxine Montgomery.
Communication in business: Three tips to get it right blog edited by Colin Stone.

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