Training / Communications Blog

We blog weekly about training and communications. If our posts strike a chord of elephantine proportions, do comment – we love a good conversation.

crisis management training Glasgow crisis communications training Edinburgh bears fighting

Crisis management 101: how to silence your critics

If you’ve ever written a crisis communication plan or undergone crisis management training, you’ll appreciate the power critics and rivals can have. Here’s how to silence your critics in three simple steps, so you dominate the airwaves instead.

10th August 2018

effective communication skills bring corporate messaging to life life

How to bring corporate messaging to life

w to bring corporate messaging to life through effective communication techniques. Get away from the dull key messages and be authentic. Useful for anyone applying corporate messaging or key messages to media interviews, presentations or marketing materials.

1st August 2018

How to make a presentation to new staff in 10 steps

Here’s how to make a presentation memorable and fresh, so newstarts remember you as the one that made them feel a part of the organisation.

25th July 2018

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Build Your Confidence

Some media trainers knock you down…and leave you down. Our media coaches show you how to deal with each knock…and still win through. So you have the presentation skills to perform – with confidence.

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