Training / Communications Blog

We blog weekly about training and communications. If our posts strike a chord of elephantine proportions, do comment – we love a good conversation.

Working with the media, england italy rugby

Working with the media

You’re the coach of a national team at the Rugby World Cup. Your country expects. Your players expect. So why is working with the media important? Read on.

24th September 2019

how to be assertive, colleagues at a bench, pink elephant communications

Assert yourself

Should you lend your support when you’re already overloaded? Or simply dig in your heels? If only you knew how to be assertive. Read our blog for more.

19th September 2019

Boris Johnson, answering a journalist's questions, the moral authority

The moral authority

When answering a journalist’s questions or convincing your colleagues of changes ahead, how do you win the argument? By taking the moral authority. Read our blog to learn more.

6th September 2019

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Build Your Confidence

Some media trainers knock you down…and leave you down. Our media coaches show you how to deal with each knock…and still win through. So you have the presentation skills to perform – with confidence.

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