Training / Communications Blog

We blog weekly about training and communications. If our posts strike a chord of elephantine proportions, do comment – we love a good conversation.

sales techniques, andrew mcfarlan, pink elephant studios

Sales techniques: Feature, Advantage, Benefit

There’s a technique that if we all get right, can lead to increased sales, better virtual calls and more effective emails. It’s called Feature, Advantage, Benefit: or FAB for short. Let’s dive in.

11th February 2022

Crisis management uk, boris johsnon, david goodwillie

Crisis management UK: Boris Johnson and Raith Rovers

While MPs have backed Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s untenable position, Raith Rovers fans have turned their back on their club for the signing of David Goodwillie. So what can we learn from what’s happened in Westminster and Kirkcaldy?

4th February 2022

miami, american communication, pink elephant

American communication: what we can learn

I’ve relished a holiday to Miami and Charleston this week. So what can we learn from how Americans communicate?

26th January 2022

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Some media trainers knock you down…and leave you down. Our media coaches show you how to deal with each knock…and still win through. So you have the presentation skills to perform – with confidence.

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