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communication skills training, pink elephant, bill mcfarlan

Communication skills training

Communication skills training can transform the way you present yourself to others.

Everything from the way you write emails.

To the presentations you give to crowded rooms.


Because you’ll have five simple rules to run every piece of communication by.

Welcome to Pink Elephant.

Read on.

So what’s communication skills training?

communication skills training, pink elephant, andrew mcfarlan

We’ve been helping businesses across the world transform their communication since 1989.

And we do that by sharing our Golden Rules.

(Either face-to-face or virtually).

It starts with understanding the audience.

Whether that’s someone in the front row or a colleague opening your latest email.

Once we’ve figured out our audience and their priorities, the rest falls into place.

We’ll talk about turning jargon into pictures.

And instead, focus on sharing stories and giving examples.

We’ll discuss the watering-down words.

Phrases like think, hopefully and try.

And we’ll share the language of leadership to use in its place.

Next, we’ll explain our pink elephants and speaking in positives.

And we’ll wrap up with our final principle of dealing with direct questions.

Then it’s over to you.

Practice makes perfect

communication skills training, practice makes perfect, pink elephant

Now it’s your turn.

We’ll give you preparation time to make a three-minute presentation.

It’s an opportunity to put our Golden Rules into practice.

Then, once you’ve presented, we’ll watch it back.

Most people find this difficult to do.

Does my voice sound like that? Do I really look like that?

Once you overcome this hurdle though, self-analysis is one of the most useful tools in your arsenal.

And learning how to give yourself constructive feedback.

Only by watching yourself back can you see what the audience saw.

Otherwise, you’re simply left with the impression of how your presentation felt.

This is where you begin to see massive changes in your communication.

The next 28 days

communication skills training, colin stone, the next 28 days

At the end of your communication skills training, you’ll receive a few things.

Your recorded presentations on a USB stick.

A Pink Elephant mug, our Golden Rules handbook, and a copy of the best-selling Drop the Pink Elephant.

But the next 28 days are more important than all of that.

Because you’ve got to keep putting these rules into practice until it becomes habit.

Which, if you stick at it, it does.

And within weeks, your communication has hit an entirely new level.

So what are you waiting for?

You can book communication skills training for you or your team with one simple email.

Write to us at today.

Or, if you prefer e-learning, visit our Pink Elephant Academy.

We’ve got a whole range of video courses for you to buy instantly.

Time to invest in you.


Photos in Communication skills training blog by Pink Elephant.
Communication skills training blog by Colin Stone.

4th August 2021 Featured in: Blog, Our courses blogs By:

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